Why Do I Still Have Low Back Pain- well it might just be a muscle

Why Do I Still Have Low Back Pain

well it might just be a muscle

Low Back Pain affects 8 out of every 10 Americans at some time in their lives and is on the rise with an increase in sedentary work style.

An estimated 54% of desk workers alone in the US experience some type of low back pain.

Although changes in sitting habits such as a sit stand desk and education on proper body mechanics can alleviate complaints, there just might be another reason the low back pain does not go away.

Meet Multifidus- a muscle in your back deep to the muscles you can feel with your hands in your lower back. This thin but very important muscle group attaches to every vertebrae giving your spine stiffness and stability. In addition, Multifidus takes pressure off your discs, helps keep the spine straight, distributes your body weight and activates BEFORE any action is performed. It prepares your back for movement.
