The scapula needs to rotate upward when you raise your arm overhead. If it doesn’t, it may lead to shoulder pathology, and shoulder pain. Here are my favorite stretches for the lats and levator scapula - 2 important muscles that will limit scapula rotation if they are tight.
The Levator Scapula muscle goes from the shoulder blade to the neck. It’s job is to elevate the shoulder. It often gets tight with bad posture.
Place tennis ball or lacrosse ball on levator scapula muscle between the upper border of the scapula and the spine. Roll up and down to massage the area. And try doing your stretch with the ball there.
The Lattisimus Dorsi is a large muscle on the lower trunk. It’s responsible for extending the arm.
Latissimus Dorsi muscle
Lat Stretch in Doorway: Standing in the doorway, grab doorway with your thumb down. Take the step back with the same leg. If you need more stretch reach under your arm.
Another way to stretch the lats is to do a child’s pose with the palms rotated upward.