Here are the steps we are taking to help to prevent infection and the limit spread of the virus.
All employees are screened daily for COVID-19. Staff with ANY symptoms are instructed to stay home and return to work ONLY when they are well and have tested negative for Covid-19.
We have air purifiers in each room that filter the air every 12 minutes for virus and bacteria, as well as dust and pollen.
We are practicing social distancing and have reduced the number of patients and staff in the clinic at one time.
Before and after each patient encounter, we are washing our hands with soap, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol.
We clean our hands with hand sanitizer every time we touch another item in the clinic, before we resume any hands on treatment with patients.
We are routinely cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as; mats, treatment tables, exercise equipment, computer keyboard and mice, pens, phones, light switches, door handles, faucets, etc.
During this time, we are asking for Patients to help us in maintaining a safe environment.
Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you first walk inside.
Keep your mask on, covering your mouth and nose, the entire time you are in our office. Do not remove to talk on the phone or to our staff.
Arrive on time for your appointment. This will limit the amount of time waiting in our office, and the number of people in our office.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
If you have a fever, cough, or any illness, please consult your medical provider and refrain from coming to the clinic.
Patients who report any symptoms, or have been around anyone symptomatic (or who has tested positive) are required to cancel appointments for 2 weeks, and/or provide a negative Covid test.
If you have been in a situation requiring a large group (gathering, air plane, etc.) we ask that you cancel appointments for 2 weeks or provide a negative Covid test.