What Can Physical Therapy Do For My Shoulder?

What Can Physical Therapy Do For My Shoulder?

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Shoulder pain is often due to poor posture or muscle imbalances around the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile joints in our body. But when there are muscle imbalances around the joint, the joint can have increased stress in certain areas which can cause chronic pain.

The shoulder is made up of the scapula (shoulder blade) and the humerus. 18 muscles attach to the scapula and 9 muscles attach to the humerus bone. Any imbalances in the shoulder can cause this very mobile joint to have problems.

Physical Therapy can identify which muscles in the shoulder are tight, or which ones are weak. We can use manual therapy to help loosen the muscles. And we can teach you exercises to help improve the flexibility in these muscles and help strengthen muscles that aren’t as strong.