We have all felt the effects of the pandemic on our physical and mental health over the past two years. Many of us wonder how to manage our wellness while balancing work and family and often it gets pushed to the bottom of our priorities. But is this really where it should be? There have been considerable studies about the health benefits from physical activity and physical health but what about our mental well-being?
A study done by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Psychiatry found people who were more physically active had lower self-reported depression. Participants were collected for the study and given the information. Self-reported physical activity by the subjects in the study were converted into metrics which were then compared to an exercise regimen recommended by the World Health Organization for each individual. Participants followed the exercise prescription which was then collected by the study authors. Even starting at the lower end of Physical Activity, there was an 18% decrease in risk of depression compared to those who did not engage in Physical Activity.
Not sure where to start? Get in touch with your local Physical Therapist- we are your movement specialists. We can perform a detailed evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses and concerns, then prescribe a program tailored for you.
So, get out and move for your physical and mental health
Joann Tippett, PT, MSPT, CKTP, CCI